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What Does EDI Mean in Different Industries?
Historically, EDI was introduced in 1960s as a form of electronic communication in the U.S. transportation industry but it took until the early 90s to fully accept the concept within the companies globally.
Since the standardization, EDI has become the norm for companies across several industries for exchanging documents electronically.
The Retail Industry
The Transportation and Logistics Industry
The Healthcare Industry
The Automotive Industry
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Importance of EDI in the Automotive Industry
Manufacturing of a car is an extremely complicated and elaborate process with multiple components, parts and modules involved across different entities.
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EDI and e-commerce I EDI SUPPORT LLCLearn about the difference between EDI and ecommerce and the importance of implementing EDI and ecommerce together.
Importance of EDI in Transportation and Logistics Industry
Here is a complete guide and all you need to know about EDI in Transportation and Logistics industry. The commonly used EDI documents in trucking are EDI 204, EDI 997, EDI 210, EDI 211 and EDI 214 and EDI 990.